Click on the picture of one of the games below to practice your spelling patterns and vocabulary!


COCONUT VOWELS – Coconuts with words in them fall to the beach. You must match missing vowel patterns to the correct word coconut. If a coconut reaches the surfboard before you blast it, your stage will end.



TURTLE DASH – Fill-in missing vowels to complete the word to move your turtle. How quickly you correctly complete the spelling word determines how quick your turtle will go. The fastest turtle will win the race, and you can compete against other people!



MUST POP WORDS – The object is to type as many words as possible using the letters that drop into the game. Do not let more than 50 letters drop into the game or it is game over!

SPELLING BEES – You build beehives by correctly spelling the given computer-voiced words. EITHER CLICK THE LETTERS OR TYPE THEM. Whoever builds the highest beehive in the time allowed wins. 1-4 players can play at once. Be sure your volume is on!

LETTER BLOCKS – Create as many words as possible by clicking and connecting letter blocks. The more words you spell, the more points you get. It’s a bit like Tetris!

3 thoughts on “Reading Groups Week 9”

  1. Hi Miss B
    These games are great fun me and Rebecca really enjoy these games

    from Jessica

  2. Hi Miss B

    I really like all of the of the games

    from Ryan

  3. Hi Miss B,

    i love must pop words it’s really fun my highest score is 10000 points,

    From Caleb p.s 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 :D.

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