This is a great artwork to try!



On a large piece of paper sketch around your hands and feet.


IF YOU PAPER ISN’T BIG ENOUGH (Like 5/6J found!)  You can just draw

your hands and feet on so you can make them smaller!


In between your hands or above them, draw your face, hair and neck. Then

draw your shirt and shoulders, joining them up with your hands!


Continue drawing your legs and link them up with your feet! Draw a

pattern on the soles of your shoes!


In the background draw some celestial beings (planets, stars, moon etc)

to show you are falling through space!


The next step is to outline your drawing with a thin line permanent black



Paint your picture using watercolour paint pots, leaving the black

background till last.

3 thoughts on “Falling Into Outer Space”

  1. Hi 5/6J!
    We think your artwork is amazing! When we look at it, it makes us feel as though WE are falling through space!
    How long did it take you to complete these pieces?
    Maybe you could come down to our classroom and teach us some new art techniques one day soon.
    See you in the playground!

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