Important v. Interesting

A way to determine importance is to work out what is interesting and what is important. When you read articles at this site – they actually write the top 2 or 3 IMPORTANT facts at the beginning of the article. How clever! Choose one of the following articles to read. Decide on the top…

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Determining Importance

Learning Intention: We are learning to determine what is important when we read and what is just interesting. We can’t possibly remember everything we read. Our brains are like a sieve, sifting  what is important, what is just interesting and what we don’t need to remember at all. Image courtesy of  You can use a…

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Desert Animals

This week we are looking at how animals adapt in the desert. We will be doing an experiment and also reading some facts about these desert survivors.   When we read factual texts our brains are constantly coding what is important, what is interesting and what is not relevant.  To work out what it is…

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